Leading Independent Hong Kong Law Firm


Our corporate lawyers advise clients on a full range of Hong Kong and international business law issues covering corporate and commercial law, securities law, corporate finance and company law. We have market leading practices in M&A, hedge funds, private equity and retail unit trusts and mutual funds, all of which are internationally recognized by leading industry publications including the International Financial Law Review 1000 (IFLR1000), the Legal 500, Chambers & Partners and Asialaw Profiles.

Since our firm's inception in 2004, we have been at the vanguard of major corporate transactions, advising on transactions the total value of which exceeds US$3.5bn. Our broad and international client base covers businesses of all types and sizes, from sole proprietorships to corporations, from private companies to public companies, listed companies on the Hong Kong stock exchange (“HKEX”) and Fortune Global 500 companies, and from private individuals, start-ups and growth enterprises to institutional clients. Our global reach extends to clients based in the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe and Asia.

Let us arrange an appointment with our award-winning lawyers for your case

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We specialize in corporate finance, offering services in equity and debt financing, and security enforcement. Let us fuel your journey to financial prosperity.

You're the driver of great fortune. Let us be the engine driving your business forward toward great outcomes.


mergers ∓


We offer strategic advisory on M∓A, facilitating smooth business transitions and productive joint ventures. Let us construct your path to growth and success.

We are the best architects of your business's future and facilitating smooth business transitions and joint ventures.


listed &


We offer expertise in setting up new businesses and providing comprehensive company secretarial services. Let us lay the groundwork for your business's success.

Don't settle for the ‘cheap setup'. ‘Go Premium' and let us help you build an unwavering foundation of your business.


insolvency &


We offer expert guidance on matters ranging from liquidation to debt restructuring, providing stability and hope in uncertain times. Let us be your lighthouse, guiding you to safe financial shores.

We can illuminate a clear path through the complexities of insolvency and restructuring to give you peace of mind.


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